My dad enjoyed it, I suppose, and certainly went along willingly with our imposed household A's fan-dom, but Mom was the ringleader, and my brother her protégé. Occasionally Mom would drag me along for a game and I'd be forced to sit in the hot California sun eating Baked Lays chips on the bleachers, bored out of my mind. I didn't get it. Didn't like it. And certainly wasn't going to let on that despite all my protestations I was starting to understand the rules, because I Still. Didn't. Care. Thankfully she caught on that bringing me along was a bad idea, so the live games petered out.
So you can understand what a total triumph of the human experience it is that I have not only gone to a total of THREE baseball games since living in New York, but I have gone WILLINGLY and OF MY OWN IMPETUS. Truly a testament to... I don't know, something. Tonight was one such triumph.
With spring in the air, I (now, if you somehow learn how to time travel and go back to tell pre-adolescent Jessica this, she will be just SHOCKED) have been itching to go to a Yankees game. While researching, I discovered that the A's were in town for a few days, so I knew it was fate. I found two willing accomplices and we trekked to the Bronx to watch the boys do their thing. Now, obviously by "watch" I mean talk, notice the A's hit a homerun on the opening pitch, talk, eat garlic fries, talk, dance, sing "God Bless America", talk... But I'm telling you: between the garlic fries and all this fun stuff, I think I could really get into baseball.
Oh, and the A's won! Somewhere, my mother is very, very happy about this.
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